Women Textile Workers in NW China's Xinjiang Refute the Fallacy of 'Forced Labor'

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Women Textile Workers in NW China's Xinjiang Refute the Fallacy of 'Forced Labor'

 January 6, 2022
Women Textile Workers in NW China’s Xinjiang Refute the Fallacy of 'Forced Labor'
Photo shows a worker working in a textile company in Changji, Xinjiang Ugyur Autonomous Region on March 17, 2020. [Xinhua]


"I'd like to expose the lies of anti-China forces in the U.S. and the West with my own work experience and stories," said Nurgul Sawut, a textile worker in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Nurgul Sawut signed a labor contract with a textile company based in Shawan City of Xinjiang in 2019 after passing interviews. She later mastered the textile-related craft after being apprenticed to a skilled worker, with her monthly salary having risen from about 3,000 yuan initially to her current wage of 5,500 yuan. Now, Nurgul Sawut has become the mentor for nearly 50 junior workers.

"As a matter of fact, we can enjoy a decent life by working hard, and our life is getting better and better. Nobody has to force us into doing anything," said Nurgul Sawut at a symposium themed "Work Creates a Better Life" held in Xinjiang on Dec. 28, refuting the fallacy of "forced labor" in Xinjiang that was fabricated by the anti-China forces of the U.S. and the West.

After graduating from university in 2020, Mehrigul Husen, another participant at the symposium, also took up the post of textile worker. After just over one year, Mehrigul Husen has grown into a skilled technician with higher pay.

"Now my monthly salary has risen to 4,200 yuan, and I have more savings. I want to make more money, buy a car and take my family and friends out on weekends," said the young woman, adding that employees of her company all came to work voluntarily and want to lead a better life through their hard work.

Arzugul Zunun, who used to be a housewife but has now become a textile worker in Kashgar City of Xinjiang, also took part in the symposium.

"I used to do housework and take care of the children at home every day. The income of the family depends entirely on the husband, and the financial condition is not very good. Afterwards, I got a job in a local textile company under the recommendation of one of my neighbors," introduced Arzugul Zunun, whose monthly salary rose to over 5,000 yuan after she became a workshop manager.

"We can make more money by working hard enough. And we work hard to live the happy life we want. There is no so-called 'forced labor' at all," said Arzugul Zunun.


(Source: People's Daily Online)


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